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Showing posts from February, 2020

Waiting & Worship

I’m a planner, yep, I’m “one of those”. I like to know what we are doing, when we are doing it and be prepared when the event finally happens. And sometimes when things are up in the air and we don’t know what we are doing I can get frazzled pretty quick. Nahum on the other hand is one of those amazing people who doesn’t seem to get rattled by many things. Needless to say God had (and still does have) some sanctifying to do in this Missouri farm girl! But over the many months of raising support, being in limbo and not sure when it was all going to fall into place, God has stretched me and hopefully I can handle change a little better now. But the last week or so has been especially challenging as we planned, prayed, had plans fall through, prayed, and planned again. There has been excitement, plans made, disappointments, tears, more plans and trying not to get my hopes up too much. But in this weird season of life of “now but not yet” I have been reminded of the truths about my great G