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The Journey Begins

Hi there! Thanks for stopping in! Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Arin. I’m the youngest of four kids. I grew up on my parents wonderful farm in Missouri. Growing up the farm was our playground, from riding tractors with Dad to swinging on the rope swing in the barn; I am so blessed to have grown up in the country.

Growing up I learned early on about Jesus and the stories in the Bible about the wonderful God of creation. Over the years I learned that my right standing before God is not about what I do but rather about what Christ has already done for me. He is my Savior and I am so thankful that He died, was buried, and rose again for me!

I was definitely a creative child. Building toys out of cardboard to learning to sew early on gave me the opportunity to cultivate creativity. I continued to pursue creativity by majoring in commercial art at college and then went on to get my masters in studio art and illustration. After grad school, when I finally had the opportunity to “nest” I found that my creativity turned toward my home. I am a homebody and I love beautiful spaces around me.

In 2016 I met my wonderful husband and we were married less than six months later. He was planning to move to Norway - that was a big game changer for me! It was like I grabbed onto a moving train as my dreams of living on the farm and having my home right there were exchanged for the adventure of lots of traveling and a plan to live overseas! I am so thankful though that God brought me this amazing man and that I get to stand by his side whether we are in the States or in Norway!

I’m not sure where this journey of blogging will lead. Maybe I won’t even like it. But maybe, just maybe, it will be an inspiration and encouragement to you that no matter where you live, no matter what your budget is you can still seek to show God’s beauty in your home and life. If I can be a little part of inspiring and encouraging you toward that end then I was successful.

So come along with me! Let’s make our homes a place of rest and beauty that bless not only ourselves and our families but also others and bring glory to God.