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Showing posts from March, 2020

Coffee Table Redo

Home. Isn’t it a beautiful word? Well, it’s really more of what the word brings to mind. Maybe it’s memories of the place you grew up, or where you currently wake up in the morning; but to me and probably so many others, home is much more than just a roof over our heads. Home the place where life unfolds, where friendships are formed, discipleship happens, and love grows. In my opinion, home is one of the greatest places for ministry that we will ever have. I want my home to be a place where others want to be. I want it to be a beautiful, loving, and peaceful place for me, my husband and others to relax and enjoy. But let’s face it, making a home beautiful can be expensive, right? Yes, it definitely can, but the wonderful thing is that it doesn’t have to be! One thing I have found that I really enjoy is redoing used furniture. This can be a great way to beautify your home without spending an arm and leg! I like used furniture for several reasons: Price. If you look a


Today is March 18, 2020. On this date in my husbands calendar I had penciled in “leave for Norway?” It was a tentative date, but a date none the less. Maybe this would’ve been the day to say our tearful goodbyes, check in all our many pieces of luggage and step onto the plane to move our lives to a different country - a goal that we have been working towards for a very long time. But, in God’s great providence here we are, on my beloved family farm in mid Missouri. A lot has happened since those words were written in that calendar. Initially the coronavirus was something we heard about but maybe not something we thought would have such a drastic impact on our lives. Just a few short days ago we thought we would be moving to Norway very soon. Last minute details were worked on, items were purchased to take with us, and anticipation grew. But as the coronavirus continued to spread we began to question the wisdom of relocating to a new country at this time. That was a hard day. We went ba