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Today is March 18, 2020. On this date in my husbands calendar I had penciled in “leave for Norway?” It was a tentative date, but a date none the less. Maybe this would’ve been the day to say our tearful goodbyes, check in all our many pieces of luggage and step onto the plane to move our lives to a different country - a goal that we have been working towards for a very long time. But, in God’s great providence here we are, on my beloved family farm in mid Missouri. A lot has happened since those words were written in that calendar. Initially the coronavirus was something we heard about but maybe not something we thought would have such a drastic impact on our lives. Just a few short days ago we thought we would be moving to Norway very soon. Last minute details were worked on, items were purchased to take with us, and anticipation grew. But as the coronavirus continued to spread we began to question the wisdom of relocating to a new country at this time. That was a hard day. We went back-and-forth over the decision. Should we wait? Should we book our tickets quickly and move sooner than we had planned? Then the next day the decision was made for us, Norway had basically closed its borders. From what we understood if we did arrive in Norway we would probably be sent back, or quarantined and then sent home. It was a blessing in disguise actually, for someone else to make the difficult decision for us. But the disappointment still set in. Another setback. Waiting... again.

Waiting is not something that many of us probably like to do, but it is not a foreign concept in Scripture. Many of us could probably think of many Bible stories where the characters waited, days, maybe even years before they saw God come through for them in ways they may have dreamed of. I think of David who was promised to be King one day, but then spent years running for his life. Or Joseph who was given great dreams by God, and yet spent years in prison for something he did not even do. The amazing thing is that even when we are waiting, when we don’t know what God is doing or why He is doing it, He is still good and working out His plan for His glory. Sometimes, people may struggle to trust God because they do not understand Him. They don't know why He does what He does, when He does it. They just don’t get it, and you know what, I don’t always get it either. But I am thankful that My God is beyond my understanding. You see if I understood everything about God, why He does what He does and when He does it, then I have a pretty small God. But if my God is beyond my understanding, which He is, if I can’t always see what He is up to, which I can’t, it’s OK. Actually, it’s preferable. It helps me see a glimps of how big my God really is. Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV) says:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Praise God, that I don’t always understand what He is doing. For this is proof that He’s bigger than me. I am finite, He is infinite. And this amazing God, the One that I do not have the words that are worthy to describe Him, nor have the mind that can fully comprehend Him, came to dwell among us, save us, and bring us unto Himself. He is, as I was reminded recently, Immanuel, God with us. Amazing! So in all the uncertainty around us let us always remember that the One who sees the end from the beginning, and my little life in the mass of all human history, has a plan and is working out His plan for good.

So our suitcases are unpacked and tickets unpurchased, but I wait with my God Who is always good and is always in control. Amen!

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Rom. 8:28 (ESV)