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How Do We View God?

How do we view God? The answer to this question is one that will mold our entire lives. Have you ever thought about it? Is our view of God tucked neatly away in our minds or does it actually affect the way we live our lives, how we respond to trials, to joys, and to the mundane? For those of us who have grown up in church, it may seem pretty easy to know about God, His attributes, His character, His actions. But have those truths moved from our heads and into our lives? Does what we know about God affect our daily attitudes and actions? 

Of course Scripture reveals much about God; it’s a book ultimately about Him, about His story in this world and the one to come. It should humble us to think that this holy, righteous God would look down on us with favor; actually, any favor at all. But He goes beyond that and chooses to use us despite our sins and failings. And even more, because of Christ’s sacrifice, believers are seen not in their sin but in His righteousness!

He not only shows us favor, but He is the greatest blessing we will ever know. He is Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth and yet in Genesis 16 Hagar describes Him as “a God of seeing,” (vs. 13 ESV). God saw Hagar in her situation and He also sees me in mine. He sees my struggles, He sees my pain, He sees my disappointments and my tears. He is also holy, high and lifted up in splendor beyond my understanding, and yet He is the God who saves. (Ps. 62:7). He saw my sin, left that splendor and came to a dirty, dusty and sin filled world to save me from it, yes me, a sinful and prone to wonder woman. But, He did not just save me and leave me to journey through this life alone, He is my Immanuel - God with us (Matt. 1:23).

This God, who has shown such mercy and grace to us is worthy of our service. This God who has such power and authority over all creation is worthy of my trust. This God who has shown me such favor and clothed me in the righteousness of Christ is worthy of my worship. So no matter what life brings, let us always remember that our God is the one who never changes. Who He is in Scripture is who He is today. He is worthy of my trust even in the midst of uncertain times for He is the God who was, and is and always will be. He is the "I Am" (Ex. 3:14). He is the God Who is.

So in this time of uncertainty, stress, or maybe even boredom. Let us all remember, this woman included, who God is, and may those truths affect the attitudes, actions and outlooks of our lives. May we stand in awe of Him and dance in the truth of Who He is. 

"On God rests my salvation and my glory;
my mighty rock, my refuge is God.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah"
Psalm 62:7-8 ESV