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Green Pastures

There's probably not many of us out there that love waiting, especially in our American, instantaneous society. But, hopefully, Lord-willing, our days of waiting to move to Norway may be coming to an end! We have an appointment for our paperwork to be turned in soon and hopefully, shortly after that we will have approved permits! As I look back over the craziness of the last few months I see blessings as well as trials. Waiting around in quarantine is not quite what I would have chosen for myself, but I have seen that no matter what we go through we are still extremely blessed! Psalm 23 is one of those passages that shouts about God's blessings upon His people - in good times and bad. This passage has such beautiful truths right there and ready for the taking, and yet, how many times do we read familiar passages like this and gloss over the profound truths written right before us in black-and-white? Ones like: “The Lord” (Almighty God, Creator, Sustainer, Protect
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Travel Trailer Redo

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